
Been bitten by the running bug?

We are well and truly into running season – and with the explosion of running clubs, and a few of the big running events ticked…


My top 3 tips for surviving the City2Surf

The iconic City to Surf is this Sunday! I’ve seen a bunch of patients who are very excited to be running this year, and for…


Shoulder Niggling For A While?

Is your shoulder bothering you? Having issues completing typical exercises in the gym? Trouble when sleeping on your shoulder? Reaching in certain directions causing a…


The Most Common Finding in Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons that people will come in to see us; it is also the most prevalent musculoskeletal…


Athletic Incontinence – What Is It?

Ever been halfway through a workout or a run and have a little oops I peed a little moment? You are very far from alone….


Tennis Elbow… But You Don’t Play Tennis?

Also known (more officially as) Lateral Epicondylalgia – no wonder we refer to it as “tennis elbow”, try saying “lateral epicondylalgia” three times fast. What…