Been bitten by the running bug?
We are well and truly into running season – and with the explosion of running clubs, and a few of the big running events ticked off the calendar already (city2surf or hyrox anyone?), the weather getting a little milder and the mornings getting lighter again; who wouldn’t be keen! Here are a few essentials to keep your body in top shape to support your running habit 😉
1.Heel raises on a step
Stand at the stairs with both feet, have only the balls of your feet at the edge of the step. Slowly drop your heels down to the floor behind you and raise up onto your toes then repeat.
Why am I doing this one? Your calves play an important role in both cushioning impact and projecting you forward while running, it is important to work the muscle through its entire range of motion to maintain healthy tendons/muscles. A bigger strength base here helps protect against overload with lots of repetitions accrued while running, plus more strength = more push in every step!
2. Reverse lungeÂ
Standing upright step one foot behind you, keep most of your weight on your front leg (prominently in the heel) and lower until your back knee touches the ground then return to the starting position. Bonus points: add weight. Why? When strengthening your legs you should try to keep the exercises closely resembling running as possible. A lunge is a great exercise that strengthens your glutes and hamstrings while spending time standing on one leg only!
3. Plank
Laying prone on the floor raise up onto your elbows and toes while tucking your hips underneath you to assist in engaging the core. Why? Strengthening the midsection helps maintain pelvic stability – an important base for running! Having a strong midline can also assist in preventing your back from getting tight while running.
Have any questions about the above? Experiencing any pain while prepping for your Sydney marathon race day or next event? Stop in at the clinic and we would love to help you out.