
Running Injuries Suck. Here’s How To Avoid Them.

There is nothing worse than an injury that strikes right when you are making progress or ramping up your training for an event. And for…


I’m Injured – Do I Need To Stop Training?

No! Rest is not always best. For years the common advice when injured was to just stop whatever activity you are doing and rest it….


Should You Be Stretching More? Probably Not, And Here’s Why…

In the clinic, we often hear “I know I should probably be stretching more” thinking less stretching is associated with a higher chance of injury….


Should Endurance Athletes Do Weights?

Endurance athletes often have an innate fear of lifting weights, especially heavy ones! We have all heard weights make you slow, too big; too heavy;…


Swimmers Shoulder

by Jeremy Granger With the weather warming up (sort of) following a cold and wet winter, a common injury we typically see is the swimmer’s…


Are you training yourself into injury?

The biggest cause of injury we see is errors in training volume and loading. Especially at this time of year (anyone out there getting back…