Tennis Elbow… But You Don’t Play Tennis?
Also known (more officially as) Lateral Epicondylalgia – no wonder we refer to it as “tennis elbow”, try saying “lateral epicondylalgia” three times fast.
What is it?
It is an overuse injury that occurs secondary to an overloading of the common extensor tendon, which is the point where all the muscles that extend the wrist and fingers attach in to the outside of your elbow.
Fun Fact – only 5% of people suffering from tennis elbow report the injury is from tennis!
It more commonly occurs following repetitive movements using the hands/arms in activities such as: computer use, heavy lifting, heavy gripping, and repetitive extension of hand.
Who does this affect?
Usually affecting people aged from 35-50 (most likely to be working). It is equally common between sexes and found predominantly in the dominant arm.
3 important risk factors associated with the injury: handling tools heavier than 1kg, handling loads heavier than 20kg at least 10 times per day (lifting weights anyone?), and repetitive movements for more than 2 hours per day.
What is happening to cause the pain?
The overuse injury is caused by a degeneration of the extensor tensor. The increased amount of demand/strain on the tendons without adequate recovery time to allow rebuilding and adaptation to the load can cause tearing and pain localized to the outside of the elbow.
Inflammation – in the early stages the elbow can be inflamed painful and sore
Micro tearing – changes occur at a microscopic level. The tendons fibres become disorganized
Degenerative process – visual changes within the tendon can be seen
Hypovascularity – the blood flow is limited
How can I fix it?
Depending on goals and expectations, tennis elbow injuries respond well with physiotherapy. A typical treatment would include focusing on reducing pain with manual therapy, bracing/taping techniques and focusing on increasing strength in the affected arm to increase function and get the patient back to pre-injury activities.
If you’ve been having some elbow niggle hit us up, we’ll sort it right out for you!